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Demon Hotel (Zombie Apocalypse Series, Book 1) Page 3

“Then break her damn fever, try harder, you cannot let her die, do you hear me?”

  A man answered then instead. “Calm down son, we are doing everything we can. Leave it to us and we’ll let you know when there is a change.”

  Everything started fading again then and I didn’t hear anymore conversations, instead my dreams were haunted by spiders killing my mother, zombies killing my father and in the end that conversation just seemed like another part of my imagination. It was like I wasn’t really even in my body and every time I tried to get back into it I hurt so much that I just left again not ready to deal with the pain.

  I didn’t know how long it had been when it was finally bearable, it didn’t hurt so much anymore, but my body felt so weak that it was as if it refused to listen to the movements that my brain insisted it do so I simply laid there feeling as if a single arm weighed a million pounds when I tried to move it.

  “Is there any change?” A male voice asked from close by.

  “No, she hasn’t woken up yet.” Now that voice I did recognise, but why the hell would Lucian Adams be here?

  I really wanted to open my eyes to see, but they just wouldn’t cooperate.

  “What do you think she was doing out there on her own?”

  Lucian gave a heavy sigh. “I don’t know Gordon, but if she was alone from the beginning I don’t know how she lasted this long.”

  Wasn’t Gordon the friends’ house he had been at? And I completely objected to that statement, I could look after myself. Who was I kidding though I had only been alone a month and already been kidnapped three times almost four and had stupidly let myself get weak because I didn’t have any water or food. I had always been good at finding the food and water when Eric was with me though it was just because the kidnappings had scared me.

  “Why are you surprised, you could see that she can fight?”

  Thank you Gordon, he saw my fighting skills even if they had sucked at that point.

  “I do not doubt how well she can fight, but women on their own are easy prey to those soldiers as you saw. It wouldn’t be easy for her to survive with them one step behind her all the time.”

  Well that was true, there had been way more soldiers since I had been alone. More than there should have been I would imagine. I mean how did they all suddenly know where I was? I was just being paranoid though, it’s not like they had a tracker on me or anything.

  It wasn’t until long after Gordon had left that I managed to force my eyes open, I half expected Lucian to have left even though I hadn’t heard him move. That was why I was surprised when I groaned at the pain pounding in my forehead in objection to my opening eyes and he said.

  “You’re awake, how are you feeling?”

  I couldn’t help the snort that escaped me before I asked. “Who are you and what have you done with the Lucian who would have laughed at me for my stupidity?”

  My voice came out husky and it hurt my throat to talk, but I managed to get the words out.

  I saw him smirk after I blinked a few times and my vision cleared. “He decided it was more important to make sure you were going to live before he took the piss.”

  I grunted. “Well, I’m fine I just hurt a bit.”

  At least I did until I tried to sit up, then my shoulder decided to remind me it had been shot by pulsing down my entire arm making me cry out before falling back.

  “A bit?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

  I groaned looking around the room. “Ok, a lot.” I was in a hospital like room and then it only just dawned on me that we had been through an apocalypse, hospitals weren’t even running anymore and most buildings were in ruins. “Where are we?”

  He chuckled. “You like?”

  I glared at him. “You know more than anyone how much I hate hospitals.” Since Australia, it was unspoken, but we both knew what I meant. They didn’t scare me like spiders did, I just didn’t like them.

  He shrugged. “You needed to be fixed up, wasn’t my fault and technically we aren’t in the hospital. It’s just the hospital wing of the building so deal with it.”

  I stuck my tongue out before saying. “I wasn’t talking about the hospital bit anyway, I meant all the buildings are like falling apart around here and this doesn’t look any different.”

  He smirked seeming quite proud of himself for some reason. “You know that big hotel right next to where you decided to get shot?”

  “I didn’t decide to get shot!” I growled at him before adding. “And no I didn’t notice it, I was too busy trying not to die.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You could have tried harder and we are in that hotel.”

  “Well, thanks for all that info Adams. “We are in that hotel.” Gee thanks a bunch.”

  He chuckled. “Watch your mouth Tink or I might give you to the zombies.”

  “Yeah, well once I’m healed I’ll be out of your way so don’t worry about it.”

  His eyebrows drew together then. “You can’t just go back out there.”

  I snorted. “I can and I will, where are my weapons by the way?”

  He ignored my question and instead said. “You’re a girl, you can’t just go gallivanting around killing zombies!”

  “So if I was a boy I could? That is completely sexist Lucian!”

  “You’re more vulnerable than a man!” He yelled.

  “I can fight just as well as a man thank you and better than some so that is crap!”

  “I never said that Tink, b-.”

  “My name is not Tink or Tinkerbell or anything to do with that little fairy that wears green!” I almost screamed at him.

  He put his hands up in surrender, but I could still see the grin tugging at the corners of his mouth and it really pissed me off that he had only gotten more attractive in the five months or so since I had last seen him. “Just hear me out, you can stay here. There is plenty of room and quite a few of us are here now. There is food and water, clothes, weapons and medical supplies. Everyone is safe here and you can sleep knowing you’re not about to be snuck up on by zombies or soldiers.”

  I frowned as I considered it until he added on with a smirk.

  “We have to question you though to make sure you aren’t working for the zombies or anything.”

  “You what?” I shrieked at him. “Do you really think I would work for the zombies, are you completely insane?”

  “Everyone goes through it, it’s not like it’s only for you!” He shouted. “It’s to keep everyone safe.”

  I grunted and looked away from him not in the mood to deal with his crap anymore. My whole body was sore, my hip and shoulder were painful and my throat felt dry, yelling certainly wasn’t helping it.

  He sighed. “Do you have to be so immature?” Before I could even respond he added. “Do you want some water?”

  That was enough for me to forget about the immature comment so instead I answered. “Please.”

  He nodded and stood up before walking out of the door leaving me in the room alone. He wasn’t the one who returned with the water though, instead it was a middle aged woman with dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and a kind face.

  “Hi honey, I’m Kate, I’m the nurse here. Lucian had some business to attend to, he said you needed some water.”

  “Thank you.” I said when she handed me the cup.

  I was so thirsty that I almost gulped it down, but I knew my throat wouldn’t agree with that so instead I took small sips. Water had never tasted so good and I almost moaned as it ran down my throat.

  “How are you feeling?” Kate asked reminding me that she was still there.

  I gave her a small smile. “I’ve felt better, but under the circumstances I guess I feel pretty good.”

  She nodded. “We thought we would lose you there for a minute. You’re Taylor Mckenzie right? Lucian said he knew you before the zombies.”

  “I am and he did.” I answered slightly surprised that Lucian had told them my real name. It wouldn’t have surprised me one bit if h
e had told them all that my name was really Tinkerbell.

  “Do you need any pain pills?” She asked me when I winced as I took another sip of water.

  I looked at her surprised. “How do you get hold of pain pills now?”

  She smiled. “We send out a lot of teams, you’d be surprised what we can still find.”

  I nodded. “Well thanks, but I don’t want to waste them I’m sure I’ll be ok without them.”

  She nodded. “If you change your mind just shout for me, I’ll only be in the next room. You should get some sleep though, it will give you more of a chance to heal.”

  “Thank you for the water.” I said just before she left the room.

  Now that she mentioned sleep though I really was tired so I finished the water, put the cup on the small table next to the bed and tried to think about what Lucian had suggested. Staying here would obviously be the better option, I would be safer and things would be easier. I wondered if Lucian knew about his Mother yet, but that was silly, how would he know? I realised then that I was going to have to tell him, it must be horrible to not be sure what happened to her. It was the same with my sister, I had no idea what had happened to her and it broke my heart to think that she could be alone and scared somewhere.

  Of course it was a bad idea to think about it before going to sleep because when I did I dreamt about her on her own and terrified. She may be the older sister, but I felt that I had to save her, she was the only family I had left after all. If she was still alive that is, but there was no way of knowing.

  Chapter 2

  I stayed in the bed for two days before I got so bored that I couldn’t take it anymore and just got up despite Kate telling me I wasn’t ready to be up yet. Lucian hadn’t come back since the first time I had woken up and since I didn’t know anyone else they hadn’t come either. Kate only spoke to me when she bought me in some food or water and I was sleeping less everyday so now I was refusing to stay there any longer.

  My shoulder and hip were still hurting like nothing else, but I think I’d take the pain if staying in that tiny room was the other option. Kate had given me some clean pyjamas this morning telling me I could clean up in the sink in the toilet that was joined to the room (I was surprised to see that they had running water). So I was still wearing my pyjama bottoms and vest top when I left the room. I didn’t really have anywhere to go so I didn’t know where I was heading.

  “Kate, where can I find Lucian?” I asked figuring that was as good a place to start as any.

  She hesitated for a moment. “I’m not sure you’re supposed to be wandering around before you get questioned Honey and you really need more rest.”

  I groaned. “Please, just tell me where he is, if I stay in that room for another second I’ll lose my mind.”

  She sighed. “Just go up these stairs and take the elevator to the top floor, he’ll be in room 215. Don’t tell him I told you.”

  “I won’t and thanks.” Without another word I walked to the stairs, this whole area was white and sterile looking it was like a real hospital.

  My hip pounded with every step I walked up, but I managed to reach the top and pushed open the white door to appear in what looked like a hotel lobby. The only give away that it wasn’t just any lobby were the boarded up windows, huge steel doors in place of what would normally be your average door and the four men standing close to them with guns at the ready. There were only a few other people in here and I walked as fast as my hip would allow me to between them before making it to the elevator at the other end unnoticed.

  When the doors opened I walked in and pressed the button for the top floor repeatedly hoping the doors would close faster, the last thing I needed was one of those guards seeing me and ordering me back to the hospital wing or something. After what felt like forever they slowly closed and I started going up and I only then realised how weird it was that they still had electric in here, they must have a big generator for backup or something.

  A sudden bang made me jump and I really wished I had asked for my weapons to bring with me. It was a stupid move to wander around a place I didn’t know without weapons, but according to Lucian this place was safe right? So I should be fine. I was glad when the doors opened up. I didn’t waste anytime in getting out of there before I started walking down the deserted corridor.

  After looking at the numbers on the door to make sure I was going the right way I carried on until I reached 215.

  I paused with my fist raised ready to knock when I heard movement behind me. Standing as still as I could and breathing as quietly as was possible I listened for anymore sounds. When I heard heavy breathing behind me I turned around and punched whoever it was across the jaw realising too late that I was using the hand with my bad shoulder. It felt like I had been shot all over again, but I ignored it and punched with my other fist knowing it had, had more affect when he grunted in pain. He didn’t even pause to recover before charging at me making me over balance and fall back against the door. I grabbed the handle to steady myself, but only succeeded in opening it and falling through. Luckily I managed to catch myself from falling over and swung my foot up between his legs as hard as I could regretting the fact that I didn’t have any shoes on knowing it would have been more painful for him if I did.

  He punched me in the stomach making me wince, it was way too close to my hip and I groaned out clutching it. “Oh my God, didn’t your Mum ever teach you not to hit girls?”

  A look of surprise actually crossed his face before his fighting stance seemed to disappear immediately as he looked at something behind me.

  “What the hell are you doing out of bed?” Lucian’s voice demanded.

  Instead of being intimidated by his anger I felt annoyed by it and turned around to face him completely ignoring the other people sitting around a large table.

  “You, this is your entire fault Adams!”

  “How is it my fault? You’re meant to be in bed!” He yelled the anger clear on his face.

  “In bed? I’ve been in bed for days! I was shot, not paralysed you idiot!”

  “Stop acting so stubborn and get your ass back down to that hospital wing now!” He ordered.

  I snorted at his tone. “You’re not the boss of me and I am not going back to bed, you can just piss off!”

  A few of the people around the table gasped and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief as I noticed he was sitting at the head of the table.

  “You’re the leader of this place?”

  He simply smirked in response.

  “Oh my God, screw that. I am definitely leaving this place, where are my weapons?”

  “You’re not having your weapons.” He said with a glare.

  “So I’m going out there defenceless? Wow, I knew you hated me, but that is a new low even for you.” I turned away from him to leave.

  “You’re in your pyjamas.” He stated.

  I let out a humourless laugh. “I don’t really think zombies care what I’m wearing and the soldiers, well I know for a fact that no matter what you’re wearing it’ll be gone within a few hours.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Lucian asked suddenly all anger gone from his voice.

  I blinked realising what I had just said and attempted to cover it up. “Just that you’ll be taken to the zombies and they’ll eat you including your clothes.” I turned back to him and added. “What the hell do you think I meant?”

  He frowned before shaking his head. “Nothing, but you’re not leaving, I’ll have security stop you if I have to.”

  “Then I’ll climb out a window.” I growled at him.

  “Security will stop you.” He said.

  “I am not staying here.” I insisted.

  “No you’re not.” He agreed. “You’re going back to bed.”

  “Oh, piss off.” I grunted before turning to leave.

  “Where are you going?” He called.

  “I told you, I’m leaving.” I called back walking past the guy who I guessed h
ad been guarding this area and heading down the hallway.

  When I entered the elevator Lucian walked in behind me and pressed the button so the doors closed before turning to me. I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly and he pressed the stop button on the panel trapping us in here before pressing his palms against the wall either side of me and looking down at me. I leaned back as far as I could as he leant closer.

  “God, have you never heard of personal space?” I asked him hating how much I really didn’t mind him being so close.

  He smirked as if reading my mind. “When did me being close to you start bothering you Tink?”

  “It’s always annoyed me.” I muttered.

  “Hmm.” He wrapped a lock of my blonde hair around his finger and twirled it. “You know you’re not leaving here Blondie.”

  I pulled my hair away from his finger. “Yes, I am. I’m not staying here so you can order me around.”

  He sighed. “Ok, I’ll make you a deal. If you stay, I won’t order you around.”

  I looked at him suspiciously. “Why do you want me to stay so bad?”

  He looked caught off guard for a moment, but then said. “I promised your Dad that I would protect you whenever I could and my Mum made me promise to keep that promise.”

  I was reminded then that I would have to tell him about his Mum knocking all of the fight out of me so instead I sighed. “Ok, but I want my weapons back.”

  He smirked. “Ok, but you have to go through the questioning.” I glared at him and he quickly added. “You get your own room.” My glare didn’t falter, but then he said. “And your own shower.”

  “There are showers?” I asked my eyes going wide, I hadn’t had a shower for over five months. There had been times that I would have died for a shower instead of the quick washes that I had, had to make do with.

  He grinned. “Yep, you can get rid of that stink Tinkerbell.”

  “I do not stink!” I complained hitting his shoulder, but wincing when my shoulder protested.

  “Careful.” He hissed at me. “Let’s get you back down to the hospital.”

  “No way, I’m not going back into that room. I’ll lose my mind!” I protested.